Convince me that you have a seed there, and I am prepared to expect wonders."
Henry Thoreau, in FAITH IN A SEED
What is it that is so alluring about starting plants from seed? Buying starter plants in spring is much easier after all. Perhaps it's that it all starts here - in those shiny little specks in the palm of your hand - the promise that spring WILL come and flowers WILL bloom again.
In the heart of winter, spring seems far away. But on a sunny late winter day while sorting through old seed packages, worries of the moment fade quickly to thoughts of new plants to fill gaps in the perennial bed ... cheerful flowers for

Little peat pots filled with rich soil from last year's compost pile, planted up with seed perhaps passed on by a friend, or saved from year to year from your mother's vegetable patch. The circle complete. Life's connections refreshed. Secrets, dreams, promises for the future and memories of the past - all wrapped up in the shiny coats on your fingertips.
Sowing seed is an act of confidence in new beginnings, a bountiful future, and an optimistic hope that our faith in some things still being simple and sure is not unfounded. When we have faith in a seed, all seems possible.

...from an article written for the local Era Banner, February 2001
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